Thursday, 14 February 2008

Happy Valentines Day

i made two posters for my better half. Sure, i didn't print them out i just showed them to her on screen but she said she really liked them. I did MAKE her a mixtape though (classic) and got her a book so I'm not THAT lazy. I may post pictures of that later also as i was quite pleased with the mixtape design. The small body copy on the posters is a series of injokes that only really me and her would get. :) .What did you do this valentines day?

p.s Vince Frost loves you too


Anonymous said...

this is really beautiful
and i love her too very much

Anonymous said...

oh and also i deleted my blog and i am now writing in englih and making it more of a design blog... much like yours haha :) i am a copy cat sorry

Robbie said...

awesome!! when you publish send mee thee liink!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i really am very taken with the font it makes me extra happy inside. laney